Training vs Testing

Training vs Testing

CrossFit “Methodology” vs CrossFit “The Sport” are 2 completely different entities.

In 2002, Greg Glassman posted on, he talks about how Outside Magazine crowned triathlete Mark Allenthe fittest man on Earth.” Let us just assume for a moment that this famous six-time winner of the IronMan Triathlon is the fittest of the fit. Then what title do we bestow on the decathlete Simon Poelman, who also possesses incredible endurance and stamina yet crushes Mr. Allen in any comparison that includes strength, power, speed and coordination?

CrossFit’s First Fitness Standard

Greg Glassman goes on to talk about the 10 “GPS” (General Physical Skills)

These skills are essential for overall general fitness, and he states “You are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these 10 skills”

Glassman states that endurance, stamina, strength and flexibility come about through training. Training refers to activity that improves performance through a measurable organic change in the body

Movements like coordination, agility, balance and accuracy come about through practice. 

And finally Power and speed are adaptations of both training and practice.

CrossFit’s Second Standard Of Fitness

Constant Variance is the cornerstone to CrossFit’s success.

Picture a hopper loaded with an infinite number of physical challenges, where no selective mechanism is operative, and being asked to perform feats randomly drawn from the hopper. This model suggests that your fitness can be measured by your capacity to perform well at these tasks in relation to other individuals.

The idea is, no matter what tasks are drawn, on average, the individual with the best “Fitness” will outperform the rest, as they are the most well balanced athlete.

In practice this encourages the athlete to disinvest in any set notions of sets, rest periods, reps, exercises, order of exercises, routines, periodization, etc. Nature frequently provides largely unforeseeable challenges; train for that by striving to keep the training stimulus broad and constantly varied.

CrossFit’s Third Fitness Standard

There are three metabolic pathways that provide the energy for all human action. These “metabolic engines” are known as the phosphagen, the glycolytic, and the oxidative. The first, the phosphagen, dominates the highest-powered activities, those that last less than about 10 seconds. The second pathway, the glycolytic, dominates moderate-powered activities, those that last up to several minutes. The third pathway, the oxidative, dominates low-powered activities, those that last in excess of several minutes.

Utilisation of these 3 pathways creates a well rounded, “Fit” human, who can dominate any average task or challenge, favour one of these pathways too much, and become highly skilled, but far less versatile than an average CrossFitter.

Method vs The Sport

Sport plays a wonderful role in fitness. Sport is the application of fitness in a fantastic atmosphere of competition and mastery. Even though The Sport Of Fitness, CrossFit, and The Methodology Of CrossFit seems similar, there are some distinct differences that can be seen and need to be understood by the average person, so that they can determine which pathway they follow

The Method & The Sport Both;

  • Follow The 3 Standards of Fitness
  • Are measurable, Observable, and Repeatable
  • Use different Energy Systems

The major difference between the sport of CrossFit and The Methodology we follow are;

The Method;

  • Promotes Longevity
  • Focus’ far more on General Physical Preparedness
  • Is for the masses

The Sport;

  • Promotes Short Term Gains, For Long Term Pain (Athletes are WILLING to trade years of their lives to gain a 1% advantage)
  • Focus more on sport specific elements (Butterfly Pull-ups, Kipping Handstand Push-ups, Double Under Crossovers, Handstand Obstacles etc)
  • Is for the Top 0.1% (Most people won’t make it past Quarter Finals)

This article is NOT about convincing you to choose a side, It’s all about what side do YOU fit into. Are you looking to be an athlete? Or are you excited to avoid the retirement home in you 60s?

Do you want to WIN?

Or do you want to be able to play with your kids in the backyard?

Ask yourself honestly these questions, and focus on the pathway that YOU are most interested in


Written By: Tyler Hamilton

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