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Getting Your FIRST Bar Muscle Up #1

Getting Your FIRST Bar Muscle-up #1

Do you feel like getting that first bar muscle-up seems impossible?

Let’s make that impossible, a possibility!

The First Bar Muscle-up Program is designed to get your very first bar muscle-up, yes, however it also comes with a list of prerequisites that will allow you to easily achieve a muscle-up once they are ticked off.


This list of “Prerequisites”

You SHOULD have all of these skills/strength exercises, to allow YOU to complete a bar muscle-up without being limited by strength or movement

Step 1

  • Obviously, yes, but doing more of the movement we are working on will be vital to achieving success, as the best movement developer for something, is the movement itself you’re trying to develop.
  • Play around with different grips, widths, tempos, pauses, bands, weighted, speed, eccentrics, to really develop the pull-up 
  • Click HERE to see a progression YOU can follow to achieve that first rep!

Step 2

Step 3

  • Adding these elements to YOUR training, 1-2 times a week will help BOOST your pull-up ability!

    Additionally, we have an 8 Week “Level YOUR Pull-up Program” available if you want to increase your volume!

    I did the program, and went from 13-19 Pull-ups in just 8 Weeks!

    Come back next week for a Toe To Bar Development guide to getting your FIRST Toe To Bar!



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